Case Studies

Zawahiri v. Alwattar

Zawahiri v. Alwattar The Court invalided a mahr agreement where the Husband entered into the agreement under coercion. Zawahiri v. Alwattar, 2008 Ohio 3473 (2008)

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Rahman v. Hossain

Rahman v. Hossain العربية( حكمت المحكمة لصالح الزوج بأن ترد الزوجة جزء المهر / الصداق المدفوع مقدما، واعتمدت المحكمة على شهادة شاهد العدل الذي أحضره

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Ahmad v. Ahmad

Ahmad v. Ahmad The Court, in favor of the Wife, affirmed decisions granting her division of the marital assets, spousal support and attorney fees. Ahmad

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Aleem v. Aleem

Aleem v. Aleem The Court, in favor of the Wife, held that a talaq divorce obtained in accordance to Pakistani law could not be enforced

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Chaudry v. Chaudry

Chaudry v. Chaudry The Court, in favor of the Husband, recognized a talaq validated by a Pakistani court and denied spousal support to the Wife.

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